

常春藤解析英語 11月號/2023 第424期

出版:常春藤英語賴世雄老師 / 常春藤有聲出版有限公司
檔案格式: PDF(適合平板)




《常春藤解析英語雜誌》培養升學.英語檢定.進修實力 / 詞彙程度約 4500~7500字 / 國內幾乎高中生人手一本的《常春藤解析英語雜誌》由賴世雄教授於一九八八年七月發行創刊號, 是一份製作嚴謹的專業英語廣播月刊。一直不斷在品質上力求精進及掌握學界脈動與讀者需求,多年來深獲全台英文老師的口碑肯定,並為多所高中指定之英文課外教材,更是無數青年學子心目中的第 一品牌!長期訂閱戰勝108課綱,輕鬆提升核心素養,每天只要30分鐘,學測、英檢、多益、商英統統難不倒你!

November 2023
As the temperatures start to drop this November, why not cozy up with a warm cup of coffee to read Analytical English ? In this month’s issue, “The Coziness of Viennese Coffee Houses” dives into the history and cultural significance of Viennese coffee houses. One significant US holiday that takes place in November is Thanksgiving. To learn about how the turkey became the centerpiece of this feast, be sure to read “Unveiling the Bird behind Thanksgiving.”
If you are looking to add some healthy foods to your diet, “Moroheiya: The Leafy Green Super Vegetable” is sure to be an excellent article for you. This is the time of year most companies start putting out their Christmas and end-ofyear advertisements. “Is Advertising Necessary for Big Companies?” explains why companies, both big and small, spend so much money on advertising. Finally, for those interested in discovering different ways of greeting around the world, “Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings” will surely interest you. These articles and so much more await you in the November issue of Analytical English .



Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings
你今天 Say Hi 了嗎?

The Shocking Truth about Static Electricity

Strategic Grazing with Good Goats
啃草救森林 山羊消防員立大功

【焦點新聞】 Devastating Earthquake Strikes Morocco, Leaving Thousands Dead 強震襲擊摩洛哥 數千人傷亡
【歷史迴廊】 From Trade to Unity: The Formation and Growth of the EU 回顧歐盟緣起
【新聞英語】 A Summer of Extreme Weather in the Northern Hemisphere 北半球陷極端天氣威脅
【閱讀測驗】 Unveiling the Bird behind Thanksgiving 火雞面面觀
【文意選填】 Strategic Grazing with Good Goats 啃草救森林 山羊消防員立大功
【詞彙測驗】 Vocabulary Test
【科普園地(素養快充站)】 The Shocking Truth about Static Electricity 你在冬天總是與靜電特別來「電」?
【新聞集錦】 1. No Bank Robberies in Denmark 丹麥全年無銀行搶案! / 2. Doxing to Be Criminalized in the Netherlands 肉搜視同違法!荷蘭新法明年上路
【混合題型(全程英文講解)】 Moroheiya: The Leafy Green Super Vegetable 超級食物:麻薏
【克漏字】 The Coziness of Viennese Coffee Houses 走進維也納咖啡館吧!
【主題寫作】 Factors to Consider When Choosing a University 你會如何選擇大學?
【閱讀測驗】 The Evolution of the Wedding Ring 戒指 見證永恆的愛情
【翻譯】 Sentence Translation
【克漏字】 Reverse Aging by Living Underwater? 是誰住在深海的小屋裡?
【混合題型(素養快充站)(全程英文講解)】 Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings 你今天 Say Hi 了嗎?
【混合題型(全程英文講解)】 Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings 你今天 Say Hi 了嗎?
【圖表寫作】 Reasons for Using Reusable Bottles 自備環保杯 沒理由不推
【文意選填】 The Rocks that Pop 在嘴巴裡跳呀跳的跳跳糖
【慣用語】 Be in the Red / Cut Corners 出現赤字 ∕ 節省開支
【篇章結構】 Is Advertising Necessary for Big Companies? 為何知名大品牌還要不停打廣告?
【閱讀測驗】 The Rise of Cheerleading 競技啦啦隊 展現力與美
【閱讀測驗】 The Rise of Cheerleading 競技啦啦隊 展現力與美
【解析文法】 倒裝句構



Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings
你今天 Say Hi 了嗎?

The Shocking Truth about Static Electricity

Strategic Grazing with Good Goats
啃草救森林 山羊消防員立大功

【焦點新聞】 Devastating Earthquake Strikes Morocco, Leaving Thousands Dead 強震襲擊摩洛哥 數千人傷亡
【歷史迴廊】 From Trade to Unity: The Formation and Growth of the EU 回顧歐盟緣起
【新聞英語】 A Summer of Extreme Weather in the Northern Hemisphere 北半球陷極端天氣威脅
【閱讀測驗】 Unveiling the Bird behind Thanksgiving 火雞面面觀
【文意選填】 Strategic Grazing with Good Goats 啃草救森林 山羊消防員立大功
【詞彙測驗】 Vocabulary Test
【科普園地(素養快充站)】 The Shocking Truth about Static Electricity 你在冬天總是與靜電特別來「電」?
【新聞集錦】 1. No Bank Robberies in Denmark 丹麥全年無銀行搶案! / 2. Doxing to Be Criminalized in the Netherlands 肉搜視同違法!荷蘭新法明年上路
【混合題型(全程英文講解)】 Moroheiya: The Leafy Green Super Vegetable 超級食物:麻薏
【克漏字】 The Coziness of Viennese Coffee Houses 走進維也納咖啡館吧!
【主題寫作】 Factors to Consider When Choosing a University 你會如何選擇大學?
【閱讀測驗】 The Evolution of the Wedding Ring 戒指 見證永恆的愛情
【翻譯】 Sentence Translation
【克漏字】 Reverse Aging by Living Underwater? 是誰住在深海的小屋裡?
【混合題型(素養快充站)(全程英文講解)】 Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings 你今天 Say Hi 了嗎?
【混合題型(全程英文講解)】 Hugs, Handshakes, and Heartfelt Greetings 你今天 Say Hi 了嗎?
【圖表寫作】 Reasons for Using Reusable Bottles 自備環保杯 沒理由不推
【文意選填】 The Rocks that Pop 在嘴巴裡跳呀跳的跳跳糖
【慣用語】 Be in the Red / Cut Corners 出現赤字 ∕ 節省開支
【篇章結構】 Is Advertising Necessary for Big Companies? 為何知名大品牌還要不停打廣告?
【閱讀測驗】 The Rise of Cheerleading 競技啦啦隊 展現力與美
【閱讀測驗】 The Rise of Cheerleading 競技啦啦隊 展現力與美
【解析文法】 倒裝句構

