常春藤生活英語 7月號/2023 第242期
《常春藤生活英語雜誌》升學應試.全民英檢.一般進修適用 / 詞彙程度約 2000~3500字 / 《常春藤生活英語雜誌》內容針對人物專訪、科學新知、網際網路、海外旅遊、遊學、流行趨勢及生活為主題進行報導,於學習英語之同時另增加新知的吸收。著重『聽力』、『口說』兩部份,以短文及會話(對話)交叉編排,既可培養讀者的閱讀能力,又可增加讀者的口語能力,故自創刊以來,亦深受讀者推崇與信賴。長期訂閱、每天只要25分鐘,一個月你就變英文小老師,英檢、商英通通難不倒,現在就開始,讓未來的你說謝謝。
July 2023
It’s July, and the heat doesn’t seem to be letting up. If you want to escape the sun, why not relive your childhood with your good friend Barbie in “Life in Plastic––It’s Fantastic!” and learn about the history of this iconic doll. Besides heat, summer is also synonymous with mosquitoes. “Are You a Mosquito Magnet?” talks about why some people seem to get bitten by these pesky insects more than others. After the weather cools, you can go out and have some delicious karaage. “Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan” talks about the history of this fried chicken. The line to buy it might be long, though, so consider hiring someone else to stand in line for you after reading “The Potential Market of Line Standing,” or start your own line-standing business yourself. However you decide to spend your summer, we hope you have fun
learning with the July issue of Enjoy English.
July 2023
It’s July, and the heat doesn’t seem to be letting up. If you want to escape the sun, why not relive your childhood with your good friend Barbie in “Life in Plastic––It’s Fantastic!” and learn about the history of this iconic doll. Besides heat, summer is also synonymous with mosquitoes. “Are You a Mosquito Magnet?” talks about why some people seem to get bitten by these pesky insects more than others. After the weather cools, you can go out and have some delicious karaage. “Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan” talks about the history of this fried chicken. The line to buy it might be long, though, so consider hiring someone else to stand in line for you after reading “The Potential Market of Line Standing,” or start your own line-standing business yourself. However you decide to spend your summer, we hope you have fun
learning with the July issue of Enjoy English.
Mission: Impossible ─ Dead Reckoning Part One
The Taiwan International Balloon Festival
Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic!
The Potential Market of Line Standing
【新聞直擊】 The Coronation of King Charles III 英王查爾斯三世的加冕典禮
【深入臺灣(混合題)】 The Taiwan International Balloon Festival 臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華
The Taiwan International Balloon Festival 臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華
【觀光英語】 Getting a Tax Refund 申請退稅
【好書俱樂部】 The Giver 記憶傳承人
The Giver 記憶傳承人
【生活字彙王】 rabbit on/ plug-in / add-on 嘮嘮叨叨,說個沒完/ 外掛程式,插件軟體
【生活快遞(核心素養)】 The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk 茶醉的愉悅氛圍
The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk 茶醉的愉悅氛圍
【健康百科(全英講)】 Are You a Mosquito Magnet? 吸蚊體質
【商用英語】 At the Trade Fair 貿易展推銷術
At the Trade Fair 貿易展推銷術
【美食饗宴】 Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan 日本的靈魂食物:唐揚雞
Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan 日本的靈魂食物:唐揚雞
【焦點話題】 2023 Met Gala Honored Karl Lagerfeld and His Cat 2023 Met Gala 致敬時尚界傳奇人物卡爾.拉格斐
Taiwan’s Badminton Star Tai Tzu-ying Plans to Retire at the End of 2024 臺灣羽球名將戴資穎計劃於 2024 年底退役
【克漏字】 The Sharing Economy Kicks into Overdrive 飛速成長的共享經濟
【追根究底(混合題)】 Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic! 芭比娃娃的粉紅世界
Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic! 芭比娃娃的粉紅世界
【翻譯】 Sentence Translation 翻譯
【圖解世界】 Types of Books 不同類型的書
Shopping for a Book as a Birthday Gift 送本書當生日禮物吧!
【專題特寫】 The Potential Market of Line Standing 你有需求,我來卡位~幫人排隊的新商機!
The Potential Market of Line Standing 你有需求,我來卡位~幫人排隊的新商機!
【看圖作文】 A Camping Nightmare 露營驚魂記
【綠色生活】 Fleather: Using Flower Power for the Better 花朵皮革成動物救星!
【發燒話題】 Mission: Impossible ─ Dead Reckoning Part One 不可能的任務:致命清算第一章
Mission: Impossible ─ Dead Reckoning Part One
The Taiwan International Balloon Festival
Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic!
The Potential Market of Line Standing
【新聞直擊】 The Coronation of King Charles III 英王查爾斯三世的加冕典禮
【深入臺灣(混合題)】 The Taiwan International Balloon Festival 臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華
The Taiwan International Balloon Festival 臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華
【觀光英語】 Getting a Tax Refund 申請退稅
【好書俱樂部】 The Giver 記憶傳承人
The Giver 記憶傳承人
【生活字彙王】 rabbit on/ plug-in / add-on 嘮嘮叨叨,說個沒完/ 外掛程式,插件軟體
【生活快遞(核心素養)】 The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk 茶醉的愉悅氛圍
The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk 茶醉的愉悅氛圍
【健康百科(全英講)】 Are You a Mosquito Magnet? 吸蚊體質
【商用英語】 At the Trade Fair 貿易展推銷術
At the Trade Fair 貿易展推銷術
【美食饗宴】 Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan 日本的靈魂食物:唐揚雞
Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan 日本的靈魂食物:唐揚雞
【焦點話題】 2023 Met Gala Honored Karl Lagerfeld and His Cat 2023 Met Gala 致敬時尚界傳奇人物卡爾.拉格斐
Taiwan’s Badminton Star Tai Tzu-ying Plans to Retire at the End of 2024 臺灣羽球名將戴資穎計劃於 2024 年底退役
【克漏字】 The Sharing Economy Kicks into Overdrive 飛速成長的共享經濟
【追根究底(混合題)】 Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic! 芭比娃娃的粉紅世界
Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic! 芭比娃娃的粉紅世界
【翻譯】 Sentence Translation 翻譯
【圖解世界】 Types of Books 不同類型的書
Shopping for a Book as a Birthday Gift 送本書當生日禮物吧!
【專題特寫】 The Potential Market of Line Standing 你有需求,我來卡位~幫人排隊的新商機!
The Potential Market of Line Standing 你有需求,我來卡位~幫人排隊的新商機!
【看圖作文】 A Camping Nightmare 露營驚魂記
【綠色生活】 Fleather: Using Flower Power for the Better 花朵皮革成動物救星!
【發燒話題】 Mission: Impossible ─ Dead Reckoning Part One 不可能的任務:致命清算第一章
Mission: Impossible ─ Dead Reckoning Part One
The Taiwan International Balloon Festival
Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic!
The Potential Market of Line Standing
【新聞直擊】 The Coronation of King Charles III 英王查爾斯三世的加冕典禮
【深入臺灣(混合題)】 The Taiwan International Balloon Festival 臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華
The Taiwan International Balloon Festival 臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華
【觀光英語】 Getting a Tax Refund 申請退稅
【好書俱樂部】 The Giver 記憶傳承人
The Giver 記憶傳承人
【生活字彙王】 rabbit on/ plug-in / add-on 嘮嘮叨叨,說個沒完/ 外掛程式,插件軟體
【生活快遞(核心素養)】 The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk 茶醉的愉悅氛圍
The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk 茶醉的愉悅氛圍
【健康百科(全英講)】 Are You a Mosquito Magnet? 吸蚊體質
【商用英語】 At the Trade Fair 貿易展推銷術
At the Trade Fair 貿易展推銷術
【美食饗宴】 Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan 日本的靈魂食物:唐揚雞
Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan 日本的靈魂食物:唐揚雞
【焦點話題】 2023 Met Gala Honored Karl Lagerfeld and His Cat 2023 Met Gala 致敬時尚界傳奇人物卡爾.拉格斐
Taiwan’s Badminton Star Tai Tzu-ying Plans to Retire at the End of 2024 臺灣羽球名將戴資穎計劃於 2024 年底退役
【克漏字】 The Sharing Economy Kicks into Overdrive 飛速成長的共享經濟
【追根究底(混合題)】 Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic! 芭比娃娃的粉紅世界
Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic! 芭比娃娃的粉紅世界
【翻譯】 Sentence Translation 翻譯
【圖解世界】 Types of Books 不同類型的書
Shopping for a Book as a Birthday Gift 送本書當生日禮物吧!
【專題特寫】 The Potential Market of Line Standing 你有需求,我來卡位~幫人排隊的新商機!
The Potential Market of Line Standing 你有需求,我來卡位~幫人排隊的新商機!
【看圖作文】 A Camping Nightmare 露營驚魂記
【綠色生活】 Fleather: Using Flower Power for the Better 花朵皮革成動物救星!
【發燒話題】 Mission: Impossible ─ Dead Reckoning Part One 不可能的任務:致命清算第一章
Mission: Impossible ─ Dead Reckoning Part One
The Taiwan International Balloon Festival
Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic!
The Potential Market of Line Standing
【新聞直擊】 The Coronation of King Charles III 英王查爾斯三世的加冕典禮
【深入臺灣(混合題)】 The Taiwan International Balloon Festival 臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華
The Taiwan International Balloon Festival 臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華
【觀光英語】 Getting a Tax Refund 申請退稅
【好書俱樂部】 The Giver 記憶傳承人
The Giver 記憶傳承人
【生活字彙王】 rabbit on/ plug-in / add-on 嘮嘮叨叨,說個沒完/ 外掛程式,插件軟體
【生活快遞(核心素養)】 The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk 茶醉的愉悅氛圍
The Happy Vibe of Being Tea Drunk 茶醉的愉悅氛圍
【健康百科(全英講)】 Are You a Mosquito Magnet? 吸蚊體質
【商用英語】 At the Trade Fair 貿易展推銷術
At the Trade Fair 貿易展推銷術
【美食饗宴】 Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan 日本的靈魂食物:唐揚雞
Karaage Is the Soul Food of Japan 日本的靈魂食物:唐揚雞
【焦點話題】 2023 Met Gala Honored Karl Lagerfeld and His Cat 2023 Met Gala 致敬時尚界傳奇人物卡爾.拉格斐
Taiwan’s Badminton Star Tai Tzu-ying Plans to Retire at the End of 2024 臺灣羽球名將戴資穎計劃於 2024 年底退役
【克漏字】 The Sharing Economy Kicks into Overdrive 飛速成長的共享經濟
【追根究底(混合題)】 Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic! 芭比娃娃的粉紅世界
Life in Plastic—It’s Fantastic! 芭比娃娃的粉紅世界
【翻譯】 Sentence Translation 翻譯
【圖解世界】 Types of Books 不同類型的書
Shopping for a Book as a Birthday Gift 送本書當生日禮物吧!
【專題特寫】 The Potential Market of Line Standing 你有需求,我來卡位~幫人排隊的新商機!
The Potential Market of Line Standing 你有需求,我來卡位~幫人排隊的新商機!
【看圖作文】 A Camping Nightmare 露營驚魂記
【綠色生活】 Fleather: Using Flower Power for the Better 花朵皮革成動物救星!
【發燒話題】 Mission: Impossible ─ Dead Reckoning Part One 不可能的任務:致命清算第一章