常春藤生活英語 3月號/2022 第226期
適用程度:初級~中級,詞彙程度約 2000-3500 字
常春藤生活英語是一本寓教於樂的廣播教學雜誌,『聽、說、讀、寫』ㄧ次搞定,其內容包羅萬象,包括: 全民英檢 - 針對國內的英文檢定,規劃聽力能力、口說能力及寫作能力等測驗,協助讀者自我測試。
雜誌後方附有背誦卡,收錄每篇文章的「Words & Prases」,利用零星時間複習學過的單字。
《常春藤生活英語雜誌》升學應試.全民英檢.一般進修適用 / 詞彙程度約 2000~3500字 / 《常春藤生活英語雜誌》內容針對人物專訪、科學新知、網際網路、海外旅遊、遊學、流行趨勢及生活為主題進行報導,於學習英語之同時另增加新知的吸收。著重『聽力』、『口說』兩部份,以短文及會話(對話)交叉編排,既可培養讀者的閱讀能力,又可增加讀者的口語能力,故自創刊以來,亦深受讀者推崇與信賴。長期訂閱、每天只要30分鐘,一個月你就變英文小老師,英檢、商英通通難不倒,現在就開始,讓未來的你說謝謝。
【編者的話】 2022
It’s March and the weather is slowly warming up. We hope to see some “Handy, Dandy Dandelions” among the spring flowers this year. As usual, here at Enjoy English, we like to travel when the weather is nice, so you may catch us “Going to the Airport” this month. We’ve been thinking of “Visiting the British Museum” in London, and then hopping over to Ireland, where we’ll celebrate “St. Patrick’s Day—The Greenest Holiday on Earth.” We’ll also swing by Scandinavia to learn about “Norway in a Nutshell.” But we’ll have to be careful taking photos since “No More Filtered Photos” are allowed there. After all, we don’t want to spend the whole month looking at our smartphone. In “Digital Detox: Get off Your Phone!” we’ll learn about the benefits of taking a break from technology. We hope all our readers are ready to enjoy an exciting month of learning with Enjoy English .
進入了三月,天氣逐漸暖和起來。我們希望能在今年春天的花海中見到《輕盈的多功能花朵 ── 蒲公英》。一如往常地,在《生活英語》,我們喜歡在風和日麗時出外旅遊,所以你搞不好會在這個月看見我們《出發去機場!》的身影喔。我們打算到倫敦《參觀大英博物館》,接著趕往愛爾蘭,在那裡慶祝《綠油油的節日 ── 聖派翠克節》。我們也會順便造訪斯堪地那維亞半島來了解《挪威縮影》。但在那邊拍美照要小心喔,因為挪威已經跟《濾鏡掰掰》了。畢竟,我們不會想要一整個月都死盯著手機不放的。在《數位排毒:科技斷捨離》中,我們將會學到暫時遠離科技的益處。希望讀者們都已經蓄勢待發,準備在這個令人興奮不已的三月和《生活英語》一同學習。
常春藤生活英語是一本寓教於樂的廣播教學雜誌,『聽、說、讀、寫』ㄧ次搞定,其內容包羅萬象,包括: 全民英檢 - 針對國內的英文檢定,規劃聽力能力、口說能力及寫作能力等測驗,協助讀者自我測試。
雜誌後方附有背誦卡,收錄每篇文章的「Words & Prases」,利用零星時間複習學過的單字。
《常春藤生活英語雜誌》升學應試.全民英檢.一般進修適用 / 詞彙程度約 2000~3500字 / 《常春藤生活英語雜誌》內容針對人物專訪、科學新知、網際網路、海外旅遊、遊學、流行趨勢及生活為主題進行報導,於學習英語之同時另增加新知的吸收。著重『聽力』、『口說』兩部份,以短文及會話(對話)交叉編排,既可培養讀者的閱讀能力,又可增加讀者的口語能力,故自創刊以來,亦深受讀者推崇與信賴。長期訂閱、每天只要30分鐘,一個月你就變英文小老師,英檢、商英通通難不倒,現在就開始,讓未來的你說謝謝。
【編者的話】 2022
It’s March and the weather is slowly warming up. We hope to see some “Handy, Dandy Dandelions” among the spring flowers this year. As usual, here at Enjoy English, we like to travel when the weather is nice, so you may catch us “Going to the Airport” this month. We’ve been thinking of “Visiting the British Museum” in London, and then hopping over to Ireland, where we’ll celebrate “St. Patrick’s Day—The Greenest Holiday on Earth.” We’ll also swing by Scandinavia to learn about “Norway in a Nutshell.” But we’ll have to be careful taking photos since “No More Filtered Photos” are allowed there. After all, we don’t want to spend the whole month looking at our smartphone. In “Digital Detox: Get off Your Phone!” we’ll learn about the benefits of taking a break from technology. We hope all our readers are ready to enjoy an exciting month of learning with Enjoy English .
進入了三月,天氣逐漸暖和起來。我們希望能在今年春天的花海中見到《輕盈的多功能花朵 ── 蒲公英》。一如往常地,在《生活英語》,我們喜歡在風和日麗時出外旅遊,所以你搞不好會在這個月看見我們《出發去機場!》的身影喔。我們打算到倫敦《參觀大英博物館》,接著趕往愛爾蘭,在那裡慶祝《綠油油的節日 ── 聖派翠克節》。我們也會順便造訪斯堪地那維亞半島來了解《挪威縮影》。但在那邊拍美照要小心喔,因為挪威已經跟《濾鏡掰掰》了。畢竟,我們不會想要一整個月都死盯著手機不放的。在《數位排毒:科技斷捨離》中,我們將會學到暫時遠離科技的益處。希望讀者們都已經蓄勢待發,準備在這個令人興奮不已的三月和《生活英語》一同學習。
Taiwan to Ban Polystyrene Cups from July 2022
Opening Your Own Business勇敢創業去!
Where the Crawdads Sing
hard pass 門都沒有
deepfake 深偽(技術)
It’s OK Not to Be OK 休息是為了走更長的路
One Big Misunderstanding 誤會一場
Handy, Dandy Dandelions 輕盈的多功能花朵 —— 蒲公英
Going Hungry in the Land of the Rich 富國裡的飢餓
Visiting the British Museum 參觀大英博物館
St. Patrick’s Day: The Greenest Holiday on Earth
Air Pollution Causes Closures in India’s Capital
Yunlin Tourism Video Wins International Recognition
Norway in a Nutshell 挪威縮影
Sentence Translation 翻譯
And the Oscar Goes to...奧斯卡獎得獎的是……
Going to the Airport 出發去機場!
Buckle Up for Your First Flight準備啓航
Digital Detox: Get off Your Phone!
No More Filtered Photos 濾鏡掰掰
At the Bank: Making a Withdrawal 在銀行 —— 提款
Taiwan to Ban Polystyrene Cups from July 2022
Opening Your Own Business勇敢創業去!
Where the Crawdads Sing
hard pass 門都沒有
deepfake 深偽(技術)
It’s OK Not to Be OK 休息是為了走更長的路
One Big Misunderstanding 誤會一場
Handy, Dandy Dandelions 輕盈的多功能花朵 —— 蒲公英
Going Hungry in the Land of the Rich 富國裡的飢餓
Visiting the British Museum 參觀大英博物館
St. Patrick’s Day: The Greenest Holiday on Earth
Air Pollution Causes Closures in India’s Capital
Yunlin Tourism Video Wins International Recognition
Norway in a Nutshell 挪威縮影
Sentence Translation 翻譯
And the Oscar Goes to...奧斯卡獎得獎的是……
Going to the Airport 出發去機場!
Buckle Up for Your First Flight準備啓航
Digital Detox: Get off Your Phone!
No More Filtered Photos 濾鏡掰掰
At the Bank: Making a Withdrawal 在銀行 —— 提款
Taiwan to Ban Polystyrene Cups from July 2022
Opening Your Own Business勇敢創業去!
Where the Crawdads Sing
hard pass 門都沒有
deepfake 深偽(技術)
It’s OK Not to Be OK 休息是為了走更長的路
One Big Misunderstanding 誤會一場
Handy, Dandy Dandelions 輕盈的多功能花朵 —— 蒲公英
Going Hungry in the Land of the Rich 富國裡的飢餓
Visiting the British Museum 參觀大英博物館
St. Patrick’s Day: The Greenest Holiday on Earth
Air Pollution Causes Closures in India’s Capital
Yunlin Tourism Video Wins International Recognition
Norway in a Nutshell 挪威縮影
Sentence Translation 翻譯
And the Oscar Goes to...奧斯卡獎得獎的是……
Going to the Airport 出發去機場!
Buckle Up for Your First Flight準備啓航
Digital Detox: Get off Your Phone!
No More Filtered Photos 濾鏡掰掰
At the Bank: Making a Withdrawal 在銀行 —— 提款
Taiwan to Ban Polystyrene Cups from July 2022
Opening Your Own Business勇敢創業去!
Where the Crawdads Sing
hard pass 門都沒有
deepfake 深偽(技術)
It’s OK Not to Be OK 休息是為了走更長的路
One Big Misunderstanding 誤會一場
Handy, Dandy Dandelions 輕盈的多功能花朵 —— 蒲公英
Going Hungry in the Land of the Rich 富國裡的飢餓
Visiting the British Museum 參觀大英博物館
St. Patrick’s Day: The Greenest Holiday on Earth
Air Pollution Causes Closures in India’s Capital
Yunlin Tourism Video Wins International Recognition
Norway in a Nutshell 挪威縮影
Sentence Translation 翻譯
And the Oscar Goes to...奧斯卡獎得獎的是……
Going to the Airport 出發去機場!
Buckle Up for Your First Flight準備啓航
Digital Detox: Get off Your Phone!
No More Filtered Photos 濾鏡掰掰
At the Bank: Making a Withdrawal 在銀行 —— 提款