常春藤解析英語 12月號/2024 第437期
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《常春藤解析英語雜誌》培養升學.英語檢定.進修實力 / 詞彙程度約 4500~7500字 / 國內幾乎高中生人手一本的《常春藤解析英語雜誌》由賴世雄教授於一九八八年七月發行創刊號, 是一份製作嚴謹的專業英語廣播月刊。一直不斷在品質上力求精進及掌握學界脈動與讀者需求,多年來深獲全台英文老師的口碑肯定,並為多所高中指定之英文課外教材,更是無數青年學子心目中的第 一品牌!長期訂閱戰勝108課綱,輕鬆提升核心素養,每天只要30分鐘,學測、英檢、多益、商英統統難不倒你!
December 2024
Though you might be feeling a bit of déjà vu, 2024 really is coming to an end. Don't worry, though; Analytical English still has plenty to offer! If you desire to learn more about cognitive function and the various phenomena related to it, check out “Jamais Vu: The Phenomenon of Never Seen.” You're likely to discover something new about the human mind. While not exactly unlocking the mysteries of the mind, technological innovations abound in these next two articles. If you've ever been unfortunate enough to have your bicycle stolen, consider investing in “SKUNKLOCK: The Bike Lock That Fights Back.” And, no, you're not losing your mind; street lights have indeed been gradually changing. Learn all about it in “The Bright Past and Future of Street Lights.” Finally, unwind and ring in the new year with a relaxing journey through Nantou in “Immerse Yourself in Nantou's Winter Wonderland.” May the coming year bring even more exciting discoveries and thoughtprovoking articles from Analytical English .